nedjelja, 26. travnja 2020.

Silazak Titana (pjesma)

Gospodari neba 
Sišli su s nebesa 
Iz svojih grobova od zlata 
Na samom kraju svijeta 

Gospodari visina 
Sišli su s planina 
Iz svojih dvoraca od stakla 
U sredini planeta 

Došli su, veliki i silni 
Njihovi koraci su lomili zemlju 
Njihov gorući plamen se širio, poput zla nad nama, sitnima

I našli smo se mali, pod zvijezdama, pod Titanima 

I njihov silazak bio je naš kraj

Kratki tekstovi

Sanjamo otvorenih očiju. O mjestima kroz slike. O ljudima kroz priče. O nama kroz tuđe oči. Kao da nismo tu. A zapravo je samo dovoljno okrenuti se, pogledati u tišini u daljinu, i shvatiti da sanjamo otvorenih očiju. 

Kratki snovi oduzeti dahom. Zaboravljen je san. I budim se u boli vlastitoga uma, jer on ne prepoznaje mene. Na trenutak se gledamo. Ja i moj um. Tko je tu lud? Možda sam nešto sanjala, ali što ako je sve san... Postojim li? Stvarnost me polako, ali bolno udara u glavu. Padam na krevet. Ruke su mi znojne. I mozak me tjera da zatvorim oči. Oko mene plešu sjene, samo za mene, kako bi me opet polagano, ali naglo mogle probuditi shvaćajući da sam bila izgubljena u vlastitim snovima i vratiti me u moje tijelo. 

Hodao je šumom, a šapat mu se zavlačio u uši poput vjetra. Putovao je s vjetrom, odbijajući se o koru stoljetnih stabla, uzrokujući manje životinje da pobjegnu i sakriju se u rupe iz kojih su ispuzale. Njihao je krošnje, skupa s vjetrom, raznoseći miris rijetkih cvjetova i uvlačeći ga u nosnice pridošlica koje su došle na njegov teritorij.

Dječak je nastavio hodati. Vjetar mu je puhao u lice, tjerajući ga da trči. Da ode što dalje od ovog mjesta. Jer bio je lutalica, znao je da tu ne pripada. Prestao je šetati. Šapat se stapao s maglom, ali još uvijek ga je mogao čuti:


"Nemoj zaboraviti kratke trenutke 

Što plešu u tvojoj glavi, nemoj zaboraviti te kratke nalete inspiracije koji te mogu odvesti u posve drugi svijet, zarobljen u tebi i spreman da bude otključan. "

"Zar je doista važno kakvi smo došli na ovaj svijet, kakvi smo izašli. Zar doista nije bitno što smo postali? Kakva je to stvar u nama, da nas tjera na misli; loše je drugačije."

petak, 24. travnja 2020.

Autobusna stanica

Ispred Marije se odvijala igra svjetla i sjene, buke i šapta kiše, a ona je sve promatrala poput gledatelja u kazalištu. Ljudi su hodali, ne obazirući se na mršavu dugokosu Mariju koja je sjedila na hladnom metalu skrivena pod okriljem mraka, nadstrešnice i stabala. Gledala je ljudska lica kako nestaju dok su za njima ostajali razni mirisi isprani onim kiše, ostavljajući iza sebe prašinu. Kiša nije prestajala padati već tri sata natapajući parkove, vrtove, zgrade i kuće te tjerajući ljude da bježe jer su više voljeli toplinu. Ali ne i Marija. Ona je uživala, gotovo poput čudaka, u mirisu ulice poslije kiše i kapima koje su joj natapale smeđu kosu prošaranu bijelim vlasima. Očima je tražila bus koji nikako nije stizao, možda zbog prometa, no nju nije bilo briga jer je željela što duže uživati u jesenjim bojama pomiješanim s kišom, baš poput pravog umjetnika, što je i bila. Oh, kako je voljela jesen. Te boje pomiješane s mirisom vrućeg čaja, prepunih parkova, antikvarijata u kojima je mogla uživati u predivnim zaboravljenim pričama i mirisu knjiga. Iz pohabane crne torbe je izvadila neuredni blok papira zavezan gumicom, i prepun nedovršenih crteža pa čak i pjesama. Crtala su joj se lica. Lica koja je vidjela u prolazi. Lica koja nisu gledala nju, ali ona njih jest. Olovkom je prešla preko papira, hrapavog i čvrstog, a onda je počela stvarati. Pred njom su se nizala malena lica, nesavršena, okrugla, bradata, naborana, ružna, lijepa, stara i mlada. Crtala je i crtala ne primjećujući autobus koji se škripavim gumama približavao svom cilju. Pošto je bila jedini putnik, nitko je nije mogao upozoriti na vozilo koje je bilo sve bliže i bliže stanici. Kada je stao da putnici uđu, vozač je vidio samo djevojku koja crta i ne primjećuje svijet oko sebe. Promrmljao je nešto o toj današnjoj mladeži i krenuo dalje, prema mjestima gdje ima onih kojima je on potreban. Već je daleko bus otišao kad je Marija shvatila da je ostala sama i da idući autobus dolazi tek za dvadeset minuta. A ona je živjela daleko od grada, u udaljenom selu. Ipak, odlučila je čekati jer vrijeme je ipak prolazno, a ona ga ima napretek. Otvorila je bilježnicu i nastavila crtati, stopivši se s kišom. 

Kingdom of lies

Separated at birth, twin siblings, oblivious to each other's connection, lead their people to endless wars and and animosity against the two neighboring kingdoms. Until, one day, a chance meeting brings the strangers together and the truth unfolds.
Today, a battle was about to happen. The battle of two kingdoms lying on the mountains side by side, separated by a bridge and left in hate and anger. The Idril kingdom's leader, Kaede, sharpened her sword, looking out the window of the castle meadow where the battle was to take place. She wore her heavy armor and released her brown hair to tie a cornflower, the mark of her kingdom. Thieves from the Maori kingdom tried to break into their villages and burn down farmers' homes. She was furious and declared war on them a few days ago, telling them that the battle would decide which kingdom deserved the land and that the one who lost would be a slave to another kingdom. Kaede remembered a time when her kingdom lived in peace, united with the Maori in the land of peace and wealth. But those times are long gone and now both kingdoms are poor, people are starving and fighting to destroy their enemies, another kingdom. Her advisor, Fei, knocked on the door of her sumptuous room, which was painted in gold. "Queen, there is King Viol at the door, announcing that the battle will take place before dusk. But before that, he wants to see you." Kaede stopped caressing her sword. "Tell him I'm coming. And don't let him out of your sight. You don't know what he's capable of."
Walking down to the entrance where the king surrounded by soldiers was waiting for her, Kaede threw a small knife into her uniform when no one was looking. She approached the king. "What do you want?" She spoke sharply to him, looking at him with a look full of scorn and anger. "I want to show you a ancient roll I found in my library. Something that will help both kingdoms." From his bag of dragon-skin he took a list decorated with the forgotten sign language of their ancestors. "I translated this text. It is one of the prophetic writings written in the Forgotten Time. He says that the war will separate the kingdom and merge with the end of the war." Kaede looked at the king. "How can I trust you? What if this is one of your intrigues?" "No, it isn't. You can bring your translator if you don't believe me. And there's a sign. A sign of a fraternity of twins. The Chosen Ones that will save our world." She took the roll from his hand. "And what do you mean by that? To end the war you caused? The war must happen, whether you wanted it or not because you have to pay for your actions. Now leave until I try to kill you." "No, I have something else to tell you. I think I know how to find twins who will save kingdoms." He took out another roll from his bag, this time a drawing of a blue cave with an altar in the middle. "I discovered this cave as I went hunting once, but according to the stories of the Age of Genesis, if kings of warring kingdoms put their blood on the altar, it will forgive them their sins and reconcile the two kingdoms." Kaede dropped the knife from her sleeve. The soldiers and the king breathed in surprise. She didn't want the war to happen, but filled with rage, she wanted to defeat the Maori kingdom without thinking of the consequences and how she should reintroduce peace between the two kingdoms. Because this wouldn't only be a war of soldiers, innocent people will die in it. "But what is the requirement?" "The condition is, my dear queen, that kings must be brother and sister. We were both born during the war and it is possible that you are my long-lost sister. Your mother was Daena, but you never met your father. I had a father, King Tirrin, but for my mother, my father always claimed she was gone. Now I know why. "
"Show me your right leg. All members of our dynasty have a blue flame below the knee." One of the soldiers stopped in front of the king and queen. "Queen Kaede, we can come with you if this is another lie or trap." "There will be no need. I trust him. Prepare the horses, we must leave today."
The night had taken over the sky as the king and queen rode their horses, looking for a cave on the map. Sky was black, painted with the beautiful red stars flaming with the moon. The landscape became different, low shrubs and lush trees were replaced by large purple and red trees decorated with rare flowers that spread their special scent. They entered a forest full of moss and huge trees, leading them into the unknown. "The cave should be close." The king said, holding a sword in one hand and a lamp in the other. In front of them were stones drawn with runes and trees forming an arch. They went that route and came across a small waterfall that fell from a huge tree. A blue flame was burning inside the tree. "The cave is inside. I remember this place." He grabbed her hand, leading Kaede to the top of the waterfall inside the tree. They passed a blue flame that lit up a huge cavern underground, and was connected to a tree. Indeed, there was an altar in the middle of the cave where they had to bring their blood. She pulled out her knife and slit her hand, allowing blood to fall into the altar. The blood turned to gold. Now it was Viol's turn. He pulled out a small knife and cut his upper arm, watching his silver blood melt with gold. The mixture began to stir and spread light around it. A whisper was heard from the depths of the altar. The magic was gone, and the words in gold remained on the bottom of the altar. Viol read them aloud. "The two kingdoms will live in peace because the fraternity of the twins lives again. Now, one must hold the sword of the other, and fight side by side." Kaede couldn't believe it. He was her brother. Her twin. She placed her sword on his right shoulder. "Viol, my brother, I'm sorry I hated you so much. Forgive me. When we return to the kingdom, we will proclaim peace again and live as one world. We must rebuild the power of our kingdom and break the Kingdom of Lies.
Riding her horse in the night breeze, Kaede couldn't help but feel happy for her brother and proud to live in peace now. She could breathe calmly as the wind blew her hair and her brother headed her for the home. She believed him. It felt strange because the person she considered to be the enemy was now viewed as a brother. They came to a ravine looking at their kingdoms. Castles, villages, fields ... Everything will be one now.
Just as it should be.

TITANOBOA (četiri po

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